1. Open the Filta artist template
  2. Create a new filter scene
  3. Make something amazing!
  4. Upload to Filta
  5. Test your Filta

Step 1: Open the Filta artist template

  1. Open the Filta artist template in Unity Hub. If this doesn’t exist, make sure you have correctly followed the steps in our Getting Started guide.

Screen Shot 2021-12-18 at 12.13.26 PM.png

Step 2: Create a new filter scene

  1. In the menu bar select Filta → Load Default Editor Layout. This will arrange your Unity windows using our suggested layout and open the Filta Artist Panel


  2. With the Filta Artist Panel open - select “Request Login”


  3. After a short moment - the panel should display login information. Click “Go to remote login page” This will open a tab in your default web browser and automatically log you into the plugin.


<aside> 💡 You can optionally go to https://getfilta.com/remote_login and manually enter your remote login code.


  1. Once you are logged in, name your filter and click the “Create Face Filter” button. Your new face filter scene will automatically open.


  2. Note that new scene files will end up in the Assets/Filters folder. Using the project panel, you can browse your previously created filters. This allows you to easily open different filters within the same project.
