1. Open the Artist Template
  2. Sign in to your Filta account.
  3. Create a new filter scene
  4. Make something amazing!
  5. Upload to the Filta app
  6. Test your Filta

Step 1: Open the Filta artist template

  1. Open the Filta artist template in Unity Hub. If this doesn’t exist, make sure you have correctly followed the steps in our Getting Started guide.

Screen Shot 2021-12-18 at 12.13.26 PM.png

Step 2: Login to Filta

  1. Select the Filta Artist Panel and select “Request Login”. Check the Stay logged in box if desired.


  2. After a short moment - the Filta Artist Panel should display a unique Remote Login Code.

    Click “Go to remote login page”


    <aside> ⚠️ This will open your default browser. Make sure you setup your default browser to the one with your crypto wallet!


    <aside> 💡 You can also go to https://getfilta.com/remote_login and manually enter your remote login code.


  3. Once you are logged in, name your filter and click the “Create Filter” button. Your new face filter scene will automatically open.


  4. Note that new scene files will end up in the Assets/Filters folder under the Project Tab. Using the project panel, you can browse your previously created filters. This allows you to easily open different filters within the same project.


    <aside> 💡 We recommend you create a new folder for each project and drag your scene files (Unity Logo with White Background) there. Select the + menu under the Project Tab or righ-click on any empty space around the files and create.



  5. You may notice that you have giant white icons that cover the scene.

    1. To make these icons smaller, click the “Gizmos” menu in the top right of the scene tab (the icon looks like a sphere).
    2. In the window that pops up, drag the slider labeled “3D Icons” to change the size. Below is a visual example:
    3. You can also click on the icon itself to hide the icons.

    Screen Shot 2022-01-13 at 9.21.29 PM.png

Step 3: Make something amazing!

We highly suggest watching the Filta Introduction video if you’re unfamiliar with Unity and/or Filta.

We also have a selection of tutorials and examples that you can learn from. Feel free to check them out!