Why should I work at a startup?
- Massive career growth in a short span
- Increased learning rate
- Ownership and responsibility
- Freedom to execute at the peak of your ability (and in many cases beyond what you think you are capable of)
- Extremely high financial upside if the startup goes well
- The ability to have major impact on that financial upside
- Depending on the startup: working with the best team you've ever been on
- Excitement at seeing something work for the first time
Startups are chaotic fun. They have a fundamentally different energy to a big company and attract a certain type of person. It's hard to describe unless you've experienced it for yourself. For me - going from a big company to a startup was like seeing color for the first time. Once you realize just how much fun work CAN be - it's impossible to go back.
How do I financially evaluate a startup offer?
A great thread on what goes into it from a pretty fantastic VC: